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Wednesday, November 27

Central Bank of India Websites Hacked by Pakistani Hackers

Indian Hackers, yesterday mornings, hacked Pakistani websites to mark the day of the 26/11/2013 incident.

In response, Pakistani Hackers retaliated without stinting something and hacked many Indian web sites as well as the official website of the central bank of India, state-owned and one in all the oldest and largest business banks of the country.

Here’s the marred page:

Pakistani and Indian hackers stick with it defacing cross-country websites to apparently show nationalism. It won’t be out of place to say here that websites on each aspect of borders are mostly aspect for lack of security.

Pakistan Cyber Army and MadLeets, claiming the responsibility for harm, warned Indian hackers to remain aloof from Pakistani websites. On damaged page, the PCA same that their action is in response to the Pakistani websites hacked by “Indian Cyber Army”.

Here’s the entire message affixed on the central bank of India:

    Oops ! WTF ? Central bank of India HaCked ?

    This try is in response to the Pakistani websites hacked by “Indian Cyber Army”.

 We have a tendency to tell you before too .. We tend to our sleeping however NOT dead ! Keep in mind PCA (Pakistan Cyber Army) !

 Back down children or we'll smoke your doors off like we tend to do before..

 Line Jihad shit ? What does one fathom Jihad ? If you've got no plan what Jihad is, I might suggest you ICA retards to not speak crap regarding it !

    Jihad doesn't mean war !

    Jihad means that “to struggle within the manner of Allah”. Watering a plant may be a Jihad ! Thus, don’t be fooled by the media

    Stop crying over 26/11/2013, go and pray for people who died rather than defacing sites.

    Stop fretful regarding Pakistani website security, secure your own ass initial. That's what intelligent folks do ;D

    Message by Pakistan Cyber Army and Team MaDLeeTs

 Pakistan Zindabad !


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