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Saturday, November 30

Zong Launch Biometric Verification System for Issuance of SIMs

Zong has became the first operator to launch the Biometric verification System for issuance of SIMs in the country. The company has installed The new gear in two of its service hubs in Karachi, which is operational From today.
How the Biometric Verification scheme Works?
According to the new procedure, in order to get a SIM customers has to pursue these steps.

Visit the service center/franchise with your initial CNIC.
The The operator will ascertain your CNIC against NADRA’s database to affirm the Authenticity of business card and number of SIMS already issued.
If The clientele qualify to get a new SIM, operators will inquire for the Thumb effect on the electrical devices machine, that will verify the Identity or business business card holder.
clientele will be provided with a hardworking SIM after giving the allegations.

It Merits mentioning here that the new verification scheme will be Installed in all service hubs, franchises and retailers within a year. After the culmination of method the present 789 verification scheme Will be forsaken.

Zong will apply the new scheme in it all Service hubs tomorrow and confidently other telecom operators will get It established at their service centers till Saturday, before the Deadline granted by PTA expires.


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