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Friday, December 20

Zong Gets LDI License

Zong has lastly has been released an LDI certificate (Long Distance and International) for Pakistan, we have verified with resources.

Zong was lengthy having difficulties to get the LDI certificate, which was previously declined due to an contract between Govt of Pakistan and Etisalat.

According to PTCL SPA (Sale-Purchase agreement) government of Pakistan was limited to not to problem any new telecommunications certificate until Goal 2013.

Despite beginning its functions in Pakistan in Apr 2008, CMPak or Zong fought to get the certificate.

The situation went difficult given the point that Pakistan and Chinese suppliers appreciate the powerful interaction. These bilateral connections were getting only more powerful but Zong stayed without well earned LDI certificate.

Recently, Govt of Pakistan generally made the decision to problem Zong an LDI certificate, however, activities converted a couple weeks ago when Sindh High Judge enforced a keep on issuance of new LDI permits, in accordance with the point that Telecom Plan had terminated and certification should be done on restored policy.

SHC, last night, left the remain purchase and Zong was these days instantly released the LDI certificate.

It is likely that SHC will restore the remaining on new permits in a day or two.
Finnaly Zong Gets LDI Licens.


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