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Monday, November 25

How to secure Facebook account

Facebook has become AN integral a part of our traditional internet lives. Nearly everybody using the internet today is sure to be victimization Facebook. The rise in its use has additionally resulted in people with mal intent hacking accounts of diverse users. One has to be additional argus-eyed so as to secure Facebook account from unauthorized access and various hacking tries.

Rest assured, you'll use some basic safety precautions to create positive your Facebook account doesn't fall victim to malicious intentions of hackers. What is more Facebook has additionally developed some security measures of itself to secure Facebook accounts of its users.
Method One:

Add a security question to your account.

Method Two:

Use a really sturdy password. A powerful password is Advanced, consisting of numbers, punctuation marks and great still as small Letters

Method Three:

Log out of Facebook when using it.

Method Four:

Set up login approvals for your Facebook account. This may prevent anyone to log into your account from a brand new place.

Add a mobile phone number to your Facebook account.

Whenever you log in to Facebook from a replacement PC, you got to enter a special login code that may be sent to your cellular phone via SMS. When getting into that code, the device you're using are more to the recognized devices list.


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