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Friday, January 10

How to Write SEO Optimize,friendly Blog Post

How to write seo optimize blog post

Write SEO Optimize,friendly Blog Post.
Blogging is very popular platform in the world where you write your opinion, and spread over the world actually big competition in those days in blogging every blogger, try to write unique and quality content and increase visitor when visitor increase you make more and more money.

User Friendly Unique Headings

When you write content Always try Make user friendly Headings And Always try Post Heading Must Be Unique And About Post Body define just a few words.

Unique Content 

Big problem when copy Content Another Blog or Website Search engine ignore it, And your Blog/website Go to Backlist And day by day your blog visitor decreases because a search engine is very Important way comes traffic And Increase Your Revenue And Popularity.

Check Grammatical And Spelling Mistakes
Very Important Step be careful Must Check Grammer And Spelling Mistakes Write Unique Content  Write Own Words When you Copy Content Others Resources And Rewrite it Must be Spelling And Grammers Mistakes in this content.

Make SEO Friendly Image 
Another big important tip upload own and best images in your blog post don't drag and drop directly in your blog post Must Use Images Properties (title text And ALT Text)
Use Best Labels
When you Create Post Always use Best Impressive And Make SEO Optimize labels Search Engine, Search Your Blog Labels And Automatically Increase your Blog Visitor.

Custom Permalink 
Always Use Custom Permalink  because when you use Permalink Minimize Your Post More Better And Effective in Search Engine And your blog Search More And More ways.


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